
Boden Business Park

Utbildning vardskap

Hospitality training – multiple languages at work

Workplaces are increasingly multilingual as a result of globalization and migration. Learning a new language and culture takes time and misunderstandings can occur. Learning how to help colleagues who are not native speakers of Swedish reduces the risk of linguistic and cultural misunderstandings.

You want to:

  • get tools to get better communication in the workplace?
  • reduce the number of misunderstandings and avoid duplication of work?
  • create a better working environment?

The municipality of Boden offers an education that gives you the tools. The training is offered as a half-day, but can be adapted as needed.

For registration and questions, contact: Ulla-Britt Lahti 0921-782 52.

The training runs until December 22 and is part of the project Care HERO project in cooperation with LärCentrum. Funded by the European Social Fund.


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