We are enablers
Together we turn ideas into business value
In Boden, business issues are always in focus
We focus on creating the best possible conditions for new businesses to start, existing businesses to grow and companies to relocate here. Here, the untried is a normal state of affairs, we are happy to challenge and break new ground – in Boden, everything should feel possible!
Land & premises
Looking for a plot or need to rent a premises?
Here you can find available properties in the municipality. If you are a business owner looking to rent out land or premises, you can advertise for free.
Dialogue with the business community is the foundation of our work, and we are never more than a phone call away.
We create meeting spaces that invite conversations and unexpected encounters.
Boden Game Camp is a truly unique ecosystem for the gaming industry in Boden.
Here, we train the digital creators of tomorrow, with 300 students from all around the world currently studying with us.
“We hope the project will lead to a stronger industry”
A business developer will help more creators in Boden grow and contribute to sustainable community development. This initiative is part of the North Creative Nodes project.
We are looking for a project manager for a game incubator
Are you an experienced project manager with a passion for the games industry? Do you want to lead the development of a groundbreaking incubator program for the games industry in northern Sweden? We are looking for someone with experience in project management, business development, startup and scale-up processes, and a strong connection to the games industry.
Thank you for being an entrepreneur in Boden municipality!
Thank you for being an entrepreneur in the municipality of Boden and contributing to a vibrant and developing municipality. You, the entrepreneurs, are the foundation of our economy and society’s welfare. Tillsammans står ni för mer än 50 procent av jobben och 37 procent av skatteintäkterna i Bodens kommun.
Placement in the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions' Service Measurement "Insikt"
Placement in the Swedish Enterprise's Ranking of Business Climate
new Businesses in Boden Municipality During 2024
millions of Kronor Invested in the Green Transition in Northern Sweden
Koll & Kontroll – utbildning i lönsamhet: Träff 1
Vill du stärka dina kunskaper och din uppföljning kring ekonomin i ditt företag? Tillsammans med Almi genomför vi Koll & kontroll som är en workshopserie som sätter fokus på ditt företags lönsamhet på ett inspirerande och motiverande sätt.
Starta eget-utbildning Startklar: Träff 3
Har du en affärsidé men känner att steget till att starta företag känns överväldigande? Eller kanske har du redan startat men kämpar med frågor som affärsplanering, försäljning och hur man skaffar sig kunder? Då är Startklar Boden precis det du behöver!
Starta eget-utbildning Startklar: Träff 4
Har du en affärsidé men känner att steget till att starta företag känns överväldigande? Eller kanske har du redan startat men kämpar med frågor som affärsplanering, försäljning och hur man skaffar sig kunder? Då är Startklar Boden precis det du behöver!
Do you have an idea?
Contact us today and we’ll help you further.