fbpixel One million to support the development of cultural industries in Norrbotten - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

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One million to support the development of cultural industries in Norrbotten

How can we improve the conditions for running businesses in cultural and creative industries in the region? The cultural association Ebeneser, as project owner, together with Boden Business Park, Piteå Science Park and Luleå Business Region want to find out. The joint initiative, North Creative Nodes, has received project funding of SEK 1 million to conduct an implementation study.

There is a growing recognition of the role of arts and culture in creating attractive communities. Especially here in northern Sweden, where growth in the green industry is higher than ever, we need to balance and support the development of businesses in the cultural sector.

Therefore, the cultural association Ebeneser, as project owner, together with Boden Business Park, Piteå Science Park and Luleå Business Region have taken a joint initiative, North Creative Nodes, and have been granted project funding of SEK 1 million to conduct an implementation study. The aim is to improve the conditions for running businesses in cultural and creative industries on more equal terms in the region through better access to training, networks and business support.

Difficult to find ways to cooperate

Companies in the cultural and creative industries in Norrbotten are struggling to find ways to collaborate and do business. Information on training and business opportunities is fragmented and difficult to find. They need places where they can meet, both online and in real life, and training that is tailored to their industry.

“We need to invest in cultural and creative industries in exactly the same way as we invest in industry in Norrbotten. If we do, these companies will in turn contribute to attractive and sustainable communities. We want to make it easier for them to meet and apply for jobs, alone or together with others,” says Fredrika Johansson, project manager and project owner, North Creative Nodes.

“One of the most important projects”

The project has been awarded SEK 1 million to investigate the needs of cultural and creative industries in Norrbotten. Together, the project actors will map what regional and municipal functions exist and whether there is a need for a digital meeting place aimed at companies in the cultural and creative industries.

“This is one of the most important projects we are implementing in the coming year to broaden the labor market and create attractiveness in our region”, says Thomas Fägerman, CEO of Boden Business Park.

Carry out a number of activities

In the spring of 2024, the project will also carry out a number of activities to improve the conditions for companies, such as meeting places such as cultural breakfasts in various places in the county, knowledge-building lectures through Creative Talk, and digital competence-enhancing workshops and lectures.

“That the cultural and creative industries can establish and own their own meeting places, where other industries are also invited, is important to strengthen the connection to the rest of the business community and thus create business opportunities”, says Ulrica Magnusson, business developer Luleå Business Region.

“Through this project, we can create better conditions for businesses in the cultural sector. This makes it possible for us to get more entrepreneurs who dare and can take the step to make their business grow where they through their business make Norrbotten a more pleasant place to live in. It is also fun that we will do the work together with Boden and Luleå”, says Johanna Blylod, Operations Manager at Piteå Science Park.

The project is financed by Luleå Business Region , Boden Business Park, Piteå municipality and Region Norrbotten.


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