
Boden Business Park

H2 Green Steel updated the local business community

Interest in H2 Green Steel’s green steel plant is high and attracted many to the in-depth status update at Boden Business Park.
And the message from the company is clear: they want to be as local as possible.

Around 150 people had come to Boden Business Park to take part in an in-depth status update from H2 Green Steel. Markus Mannström, CEO of H2 Green Steel in Boden, and Anne Graf, responsible for community relations, were present to inform about the status of the project and its future.

A number of milestones on site have been passed. Starting with the groundwork in August 2022, the first part of the future steel plant was assembled just over a year later, in November 2023.

4000 people by 2025

In 2024, we will see much more construction activity on site and H2 Green Steel expects to have up to 1000 people on site within six months. Until the first steel is produced in spring 2026, the number of construction workers will increase continuously, reaching a peak of 4000 people in 2025.

The company is now also building its own organization through recruitment and training.

One of the questions was where H2 Green Steel will find the 1500 people who will work at the steel plant. Markus Mannström replied that the company would certainly need to look across the EU, but primarily in the northern half of Sweden and Finland.

Want to shop as close as possible

H2 Green Steel’s purchasing strategy is clear: they want to buy as locally as possible and look at the location of the company when making purchases. A tip for local companies is therefore to have good websites with information in English and to be included in the company register so that H2 Green Steel can find local solutions.

Anne Graf, responsible for community relations, told us that it is not possible to take meetings at the initiative of local companies, they have to be taken in the order of procurement. When H2 Green Steel sees a need, it goes to Boden Business Park for help in inviting people to a meeting.

The local and regional business community is very important for the establishment of H2 Green Steel.
As an entrepreneur, you can register your interest here and you will be included in the database that H2 Green Steel uses in its purchasing activities and shares with its partners.

Does your company have up-to-date information in the business register?
Read more here!


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