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Boden Business Park

Focus on unique societal transformation at Sweden’s Innovation Summit

Norrbotten and Västerbotten at the center of a unique social transformation. With 1400 billion in investments for green innovation, the region is expected to attract 100,000 new residents and create tens of thousands of jobs by 2035. Sweden’s Innovation Riksdag 2024 in Boden and Luleå, on May 13-15, will be the platform where actors from innovation, politics, business and society gather to discuss and shape the sustainable society of the future.

At the heart of this transition are the cities of Boden and Luleå, which play a central role in the green global transition. A transformation to be completed in 3-5 years, which would normally take 20 years.

– Innovation and entrepreneurship are key success factors to enable us to adapt to our global challenges. The Swedish Innovation Summit brings together the core of national and regional forces from innovation environments, politics, business, academia and society. This year where the world’s largest test bed for societal transformation is located – Boden and Luleå. This makes SIR24 a unique platform where we will explore and immerse ourselves in the opportunities and challenges of the green transition and how cooperation is the way forward for us to succeed,” says Stina Lantz, CEO of SISP.

Focus areas for Sweden’s Innovation Summit 2024:

The green re-industrialization: Explore how we are leading the green transition, how tech and AI are enablers and the role of industry in the transition.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: How can innovation shape the sustainable societies of the future while ensuring the protection of Swedish innovations?

Towards a Sustainable Future: Through concrete examples and discussions, find out how we can meet the challenges and ensure a successful transition where startups and scalups play a crucial role.

The future is being shaped now, and together we can take the leap towards a sustainable and innovative world. Sweden’s Innovation Summit 2024 will be a platform to share insights, build partnerships and explore the opportunities presented by the green transition.

For more information and registration, visit sverigesinnovationsriksdag.se .

For press contact and further information:
Project manager Mikaela Hellberg
070-452 10 30


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