fbpixel Success is back! - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park


Success is back!

For ten weeks, 15 people will get an introduction to game development in Boden Game Camp’s state-of-the-art facilities at Boden Business Park in Sävast.

Upon completion of the summer camp, you will have the opportunity to earn a grade in the Applied Programming and Interface Design courses.

Boden Game Camp is a hub and a unique ecosystem for the computer game industry in northern Sweden. In autumn 2022, 300 students will be on site, divided between six higher vocational education programmes, one folk high school programme and one upper secondary education programme with national entry.

The initiative has also led to a growing number of gaming companies establishing themselves and their operations at Boden Business Park.

Summercamp by Boden Game Camp is a collaboration between the municipality of Boden and the municipality of Luleå.


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