fbpixel New record year for the computer games industry - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

spelindex 2021

New record year for the computer games industry

Today the Game Developers Index 2021 report was presented. It shows that the Swedish computer games industry has increased its turnover by a staggering 41% in 2020 – to SEK 34.7 billion. This represents an increase of more than SEK 10 billion.

In addition, the sector reported a positive result for the twelfth consecutive year of SEK 7.6 billion.

In 2020, the number of employees in Sweden increased by 11 percent, which is an increase of 671 employees. Every fifth position in a gambling company in the country, 1,410, is held by a woman. This corresponds to a share of more than 21%.

Swedish gaming companies are growing and employ 6,596 people in Sweden and 7,177 people abroad. As in previous years, recruiting staff in Sweden remains difficult and an increasing proportion of Swedish companies’ expansion consists of establishing or acquiring development studios abroad.

Mattias Bergqvist is a business developer at Boden Business Park:
– The Swedish gaming industry continues its unprecedented success story this year and the report is full of astonishing figures. Looking at the challenges facing the industry, the skills shortage is the biggest challenge, which is why our efforts to make Boden a talent factory continue to feel right.

There are 19 Swedish companies listed on the stock exchange in Sweden. Together they had a turnover of SEK 20.5 billion in 2020 and a total market capitalisation of SEK 112 billion in December 2020.

Read the full report here!


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