fbpixel Competence supply - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

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Competence supply

The ongoing green reindustrialization will require a large influx of new labor with various skills across multiple industries in both Boden and the entire region.

To meet this challenge and achieve a seamless and efficient skills supply process, we are collaborating within the business community with the municipality’s employment unit, high schools, adult education institutions, and other stakeholders in the skills supply sector.

Locally and closely, we are working actively and now have a team of four people who will exclusively address issues such as needs analysis, skills attraction, and lifelong learning to meet the demands of the business sector.

At the same time, we know that not all the necessary skills are available in Sweden. That’s why we look up and see the world as a recruitment base, where, among other things, the municipality of Boden is part of the global recruitment project MindDig.

Do you want your company to be visible here?
Contact business developer Camilla Häggström:

Job center – important local resource
Jobbcenter is a municipal activity that matchesr employerss needs with people in Boden who are looking for internships, extra jobs or permanent employment. Jobbcenter can support with regulations and administration towards the Public Employment Service in connection with an employment.

Use the Move to Boden platform
People who are curious about moving to Boden can upload their CV. As an employer, you can be matched with people with the exact skills you are looking for – and no others! The service is free of charge for companies operating in Boden.

The world’s first collaborative recruitment platform, including automatic matching with talent ready to move for jobs in the North.

Armor and match companies
Armor and match companies work on behalf of the Swedish Public Employment Service. Your company can use Rusta and Matcha companies operating in Boden to find employees.

Digital services
Do you want your company to be visible here too? Contact business developer Camilla Häggström: camilla@bodenbusinesspark.se

Service to find the best talents, who are not actively looking for a job. Based on ads on social media.

Netjobs (formerly Karriärguiden)
Service for advertising and matching emails to suitable candidates, exposure also in social media.

Recruitment platform that can be integrated with your company’s recruitment tools.

Does your company need to recruit? Join us at the recruitment events we are participating in or organizing in 2024.

  • September 18: Boden and Luleå’s joint training and recruitment fair, Boden.
    Free for companies to participate. Focus on local labor.
  • September 25-26: Future Norrbotten, Bodens Energi Arena.
    Try-out and recruitment fair, focus on young people.
    Read more about Future Norrbotten here!
  • September 26: Recruitment Fair Online, digital.
    Innovative digital recruitment fair with job seekers and career changers across the country.
    Read more about the Online Recruitment Fair here!
  • October 1: Thesis Fair, Luleå University of Technology.
    Free of charge! Chance to meet students who want to carry out thesis work.
    Read more about the Job Fair here!
  • October 24: Swedish Day 2024, digital.
    Recruit from Europe via the EURES employment service.
    The event is free of charge.
    The event focuses on labor needs in sectors such as health, veterinarians, engineers in IT and industry, mining, education and hospitality.
    Read more about Swedish Day 2024 here!
  • 30 November-1 December: Jobbfestivalen, Stockholm.
    Meeting place for job seekers and companies with the ambition to contribute to the theme of diversity in the labor market.
    Read more about Jobbfestivalen here!

The list is updated continuously!

Does your company want more information, register interest in a particular event or see other interesting initiatives to collaborate on?
Contact business developer Camilla Häggström, camilla@bodenbusinesspark.se

Here we list companies that today are active in Boden or the surrounding area.
Does your company also want to be visible here?
Contact the business developer Camilla Häggström:

Recruitment and staffing in many industries.

Recruitment or staffing, with a special focus on IT skills.

Focus on recruitment of managers and key personnel.

Staffing with a special focus on industry and service professionals. Also offers recruitment service.

Specialists in recruiting and hiring staff for industrial and logistics companies.

Staffs and recruits broadly, both skilled and unskilled workers.

Manpower group
Staffing and recruiting widely. Emphasizes experience in recruiting/staffing green skills.

One Partner Group
Staffing and recruitment in most industries. Interrim-solution (specialists or managers for short-term assignments) and managerial and executive recruitment.

Staffing white-collar jobs, recruitment with a focus on white-collar and managers/leaders.

Randstad Staffing
nterrimsolution (specialists or managers for short assignments), large-scale staffing, consultants for specialist missions.

Proper recruitment and HR
Long-term partnership in both recruitment and HR issues, both operational and strategic consulting services.

Networks of graduates and young professionals for both staffing and recruitment. MPossibility of staffing according to Entrepreneurial business where companies pay based on completed assignment instead of time.

Staffing in IT support, finance, administration, customer service and reception. Recruitment of specialists (especially engineers and IT technicians) managers and interimsolutions (specialists/managers for short-term assignments).

Do you want your company to be visible here?
Contact business developer Camilla Häggström:

Employment Service support for recruitment in the EU
You will be helped to advertise/reach out to candidates in the EU. SMEs can also apply for financial support for candidates’ language training, work-related training or induction.
This is EURES

Comprehensive solutions
Several companies offer comprehensive solutions for recruitment from other countries, including advice and support on relocation, accommodation and immigration.

Lernia Relocation

Human entrance

Nimmersion Professional Relocation and Immigration Service

By Hart
Local player offering HR services, but also ready to support international recruitment.

Ensuring identity and work permits
Experts in ensuring identity and that people have the right to work in Sweden.

Hiring asylum seekers
The Swedish Migration Agency provides guidance on what companies should consider when hiring asylum seekers.
Read more about hiring an asylum seeker here!

Tips on what other companies have done
Afry has developed a handbook for international recruitment.
You can find the guide here!

Guide: moving to Sweden and Boden
The municipality’s “Moving to Boden” website contains information on everything from how to register that you have moved to Sweden, obtain a Swedish driving license to how Swedish parental leave works.
You can find the guide here!

Teaching Swedish
Boden municipality’s Learning Center offers Swedish for immigrants when it suits them best: during the day (full-time), in the evening or remotely.Free of charge for the individual.
Read more here!

Lingio has created a modern, gamified vocational Swedish course for different industries (25 job roles).
Read more here!

Swedish for professionals offers package solutions for teaching Swedish and intercultural business communication.
Read more here!

The Swedish Public Employment Service has a recruitment guide where you search by skill (profession) and municipality. You will also receive tips on services that can be used (writing an advertisement, finding a candidate in the Public Employment Service system, international recruitment)
You can find the recruitment guide here!

Guide on how to conduct quick digital interviews (account required)with candidates.

Recruiting with video interviews

Support that the Public Employment Service can provide for employment

Arbetsförmedlingen’s special page on Norrland (note: aimed at workers)

Advice and support (weekdays 08.00-16.00)
0771-508 508

Do you want your company to be visible here?
Contact business developer Camilla Häggström:

By Hart
is responsible for all or part of the HR work in your company. Offers digital tools to take the pulse of the work environment. Provides training on building employer branding, among other topics.

Right Recruitment and HR
Operational and strategic HR consulting, such as skills mapping services, trainee programs, coaching and mentoring.

Luleå University of Technology offers your company to advertise job vacancies directly to students, hire students to solve a problem through projects, become a mentor for a student, or participate in fairs and other events.
Read more about student collaboration here!

Young people in secondary school vocational programs and adults in vocational training need traineeships. If your company is interested in hosting students for a few weeks, please email: studievagledare@boden.se

Luleå University of Technology offers your company to advertise job vacancies directly to students, hire students to solve a problem through projects, become a mentor for a student, or participate in fairs and other events.
Read more about student collaboration here!

Young people in secondary school vocational programs and adults in vocational training need traineeships. If your company is interested in hosting students for a few weeks, please email: studievagledare@boden.se

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Camilla Häggström

Business developer
Skills supply

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Camilla Häggström

070-247 10 22

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Camilla Häggström

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Business developer Skills supply

Camilla Häggström

070-247 10 22

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