Skills development
We help you as an entrepreneur to take the next step in your development!
Boden Business Park and Boden Municipality support local businesses through, among other things, skills development initiatives where we organise everything from start-up training to business development programmes for companies that want to grow, as well as independent and specific training courses.
Keep an eye out in the the calendar to see when the next training session is!
The Growth Journey – a business development programme for companies that are currently in a development or expansion phase.
The Growth Journey is aimed at self-employed people or those in management. You see potential in your business and have the will to take the next step in its development. The Growth Journey is a practical programme that includes both individual counselling and group sessions.
The programme also offers expertise in specific areas and networking with entrepreneurs from other industries. The aim is to develop you as an entrepreneur and help you take your business to the next level.
The growth journey is carried out in groups of about ten participants.
The growth trip is arranged in collaboration with the municipality of Boden and Tillväxtverket.
The municipality of Boden and Boden Business Park offer the business community training in specific areas according to business needs.
Do you have any suggestions for training that you would like Boden municipality and Boden Business Park to carry out? Contact business developer Michaela Strömberg.
Go Business Hangout is a programme for those who have just started a business or have a small business to develop further alongside their studies or job. Hangout is a digital pre-incubator where the goal is to explore your vision and grow as an entrepreneur.
Read more and apply HERE
Boden municipality and Boden Business Park offer free start-up training for those who are thinking of starting their own business or who have just started.
Click HERE for more information on the training series.
The Municipality of Boden offers free training for those who want to know more about procurement and becoming a business partner of the Municipality of Boden.
The training is a cross-sector training course aimed at those who want to learn more about the Public Procurement Act, tender documents, tenders and dialogue with the municipality’s procurement department.
Does your company also want to be visible here?
Contact business developer Camilla Häggström: camilla@bodenbusinesspark.se
LTU Professional Education
Offers skills development courses in many areas.
Varying length, digital or on site.
Some digital courses are free of charge.
University of Applied Sciences – short courses
Offers short courses (3 weeks – 6 months) that can be combined with work.
Courses are free of charge and available in all sectors.
University of Applied Sciences – contract training
Offers contract training in all sectors, where you as a company can buy all or part of the training program based on needs.
Offers vocational training courses, for example: occupational health and safety, forklift driving, professional license.
On-site or distance.
Bothnia Group
Training on site, in classrooms or online.
Safety and work environment training, both in digital and physical form.
One Partner Group
Can tailor skills development for your staff.
Tillväxtresan – ett affärsutvecklingsprogram för företag som just nu befinner sig i en utvecklings- eller expansionsfas.
Tillväxtresan vänder sig till egenföretagare eller dig i företagsledningen. Du ser en potential i din verksamhet och har viljan att ta nästa steg i utvecklingen. Tillväxtresan är ett praktiskt inriktat program som innehåller både individuell rådgivning och gruppmoment.
Programmet erbjuder också expertkunskap inom specifika områden och nätverkande med företagare från andra branscher. Målet är att utveckla dig som företagare och hjälpa dig driva ditt företag vidare och ta dina affärer till nästa nivå.
Tillväxtresan genomförs i grupp om cirka tio deltagare.
Tillväxtresan arrangeras i samverkan med Bodens kommun och Tillväxtverket.
Do you have any suggestions for training that you would like Boden Business Park and Boden municipality to carry out? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Michaela Strömberg
Business Developer
business development
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