
Boden Business Park

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Lunch event on skills supply

How well equipped is your company to meet the skills challenges of tomorrow?
– Do you need recruitment help?
– How do you work strategically with skills supply?
– Do you need to develop the skills of your existing employees?

The green transformation of society and ongoing environmental investments in Norrbotten have posed major challenges for the supply of skills to many companies. Unemployment in the county is falling steadily and is now at its lowest level since 2008. Green industrial development also brings with it the need for new types of skills and workforce where your company may face challenges in finding new employees.

Boden Business Park, together with various actors in recruitment, staffing and training, invites you to a lunch event on 20 October to find solutions to meet tomorrow’s challenges in terms of skills supply, based on your needs.

Programme and content:

  • Presentation from the actors and discussion about the tools and opportunities that can be offered to help your company with recruitment and skills development to meet the needs of tomorrow.
  • Mingle lunch where you will have the opportunity to discuss in-depth skills supply and skills development with representatives from the participating actors.

Participation and lunch are free of charge but pre-registration is required (max 2 people/company).

Register for the event here!

This event takes place in collaboration between Boden Business Park, ByHart, Nordisk Kompetens, Lernia. Vocational Academy, Job Centre and Pori Upper Secondary School.


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