fbpixel “We hope the project will lead to a stronger industry” - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

“We hope the project will lead to a stronger industry”

A business developer will help more creators in Boden grow and contribute to sustainable community development. This initiative is part of the North Creative Nodes project.

North Creative Nodes is a regional initiative aimed at strengthening cultural and creative industries. By increasing support for businesses and organizations within these sectors, the project seeks to foster sustainable growth and create opportunities for creators to actively contribute to the ongoing societal transition.

“The cultural sector is very broad and has often struggled to unite, especially since 80 percent of the companies consist of just one person,” says Fredrika Johansson, project manager.

A business developer is now being recruited to Boden Business Park. The developer will support local and regional creators through business advisory services, networking, and assistance in finding new markets.

“We will focus a lot on creating meeting places, both among businesses within the industry and with other sectors,” says Fredrika Johansson.

Increasing understanding

A significant part of the work involves skills development initiatives, giving businesses the opportunity to learn from each other and make use of support systems that already exist but are currently underutilized.

“Unfortunately, only a small percentage of businesses take advantage of available business support or other development systems, which limits their growth opportunities,” says Fredrika.

The project also aims to increase other industries’ understanding of how they can collaborate with cultural and creative businesses and the positive effects these collaborations can bring.

“We hope the project will lead to a stronger industry where businesses feel like part of a larger whole and no longer feel isolated. This would open up more business opportunities and contribute to growth,” says Fredrika.

Culture for a vibrant community

A strong cultural sector is closely linked to a vibrant community. When artists and creators are given the right conditions to develop their businesses, they create attractive places where people want to live, and new residents choose to settle.

“For many businesses, a growth journey could mean moving from part-time to full-time. If more businesses make that transition, it can have a significant impact on society.”

The North Creative Nodes project runs until 2027. Partners include Boden Business Park, Luleå Municipality, and Piteå Science Park, in collaboration with the European Regional Development Fund, Region Norrbotten, Bodens Municipality, Piteå Municipality, Luleå Municipality, and Sparbanken Nord.


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