fbpixel Millions for projects to strengthen culture and collaboration in northern Sweden - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

Millions for projects to strengthen culture and collaboration in northern Sweden

The major industrial changes facing the whole region are having a major impact on its attractiveness. Politicians and businesses agree: to create places where people want to live and work, it is not enough to create jobs, but a rich cultural life and a wide range of cultural offerings are needed. The regional project North Creative Nodes, which aims to strengthen companies in the cultural sector in Norrbotten, has now received funding from the Regional Development Fund and Region Norrbotten, among others.

The cultural and creative industries have a key role to play in the exciting development now taking place in the region. Long-term investments in art and culture contribute to attractive living environments and a broader labor market.

“It’s important that we see culture as an investment in social development, not just as entertainment. Cultural and creative industries are an important basic industry in Sweden”, says Monica Lejon, Head of Business and Society at Region Norrbotten.

Developing businesses in cultural and creative industries

To strengthen companies in the cultural sector in Norrbotten, the North Creative Nodes project is funded. Boden Business Park, Luleå Business Region and Piteå Science Park have joined forces to improve conditions for companies in the cultural sector in the region.

“The project will enable more entrepreneurs in culture to develop their business, says Monica Lejon, Head of Business and Society at Region Norrbotten, which is co-financing the project”.

The project aims to improve the conditions for businesses in cultural and creative industries in the region, helping to strengthen cultural life.

“We are proud of the new partnership that has taken shape between Piteå, Boden and Luleå. It allows us to enable more activities throughout the region for companies in the cultural industry, but also create greater industry awareness among decision-makers and other businesses”, says Henrik Bucht, CEO of Piteå Science Park, which is the project owner of North Creative Nodes.

Thomas Fägerman, CEO of Boden Business Park.

“We know that culture plays a crucial role for both visitors and migrants to places and for business. Therefore, we are pleased to be able to contribute to this new and important project”, says Johanna Fjällblad, COO, Luleå Business Region.

Meeting places for collaboration

“Together we will develop several different meeting places for the development of cultural and creative industries in Norrbotten. Kulturfrukost has already become a meeting place that we will of course continue with”, says Fredrika Johansson, who will work as regional project manager for the North Creative Nodes project.

“This initiative clearly shows how culture and regional collaboration are key to a sustainable and attractive future for northern Sweden. With a focus on strengthening actors in cultural creative industries, environments are created where both people and companies thrive and grow”, says Thomas Fägerman, CEO Boden Business Park.


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