fbpixel Game jam supports gender minorities: "Really important for the industry" - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

Game jam supports gender minorities: “Really important for the industry”

For ten days, female and non-binary game developers from seven countries gathered at Peetgården to create games together.
“This experience is something I will cherish all my life”, said Jamie Yoongi Lee, from Canada.

Valkyrie Jam is a game jam with the aim of supporting the gender minority in game development. Over ten days, twelve female and non-binary game developers were split into two groups to create one game each. This year, game developers from the United States, Canada, Belgium, Germany, France, Estonia and Sweden participated.

“For me, an event like this is really important for the industry because it’s rare to spend quality time with other women and non-binary programmers and that’s invaluable”, says Lison Raimbault from Belgium.

First edition of Valkyrie Jam was in summer 2018 and in 2024 it was held for the fifth time at Peetgården in Sävast, just outside Boden. Behind Valkyrie Jam is GameDev Force.

“This is a great initiative to bring people together and create a support system. They may not have the same support system in their own companies or have difficulty finding contacts. We really hope this gives them a boost and also that they find their joy in the gaming industry again”, says Laura Prine, organizer.

Help to expand your passion

Participants are invited to apply for the Valkyrie Jam and the organizers make a selection based on experience, knowledge and nation. Bringing talented game developers together in a safe and supportive environment helps them to expand their passion for creating games in an industry that suffers from a high risk of minority burnout. This burnout is often the result of a career fraught with difficulties, including the feeling of not being heard or having their skills questioned.

“This experience is something I will cherish all my life. I’m just so happy to be with everyone and I feel so lucky to be part of this group. It’s really fun to be around all these creative people and be motivated by them”, said Jamie Yoongi Lee from Canada.

“Struggling with inclusion”

Sofia Lundström is a business developer at Boden Business Park with a focus on the gaming industry.

“We know that the games industry struggles with inclusion and diversity, which can lead to limited perspectives and of course problems in working environments. Progress in these areas can help build a more dynamic and creative games industry, which is one of the goals of Boden Game Camp“, she says.

“The gambling industry drives economic diversification and promotes inclusion, which are keys to Boden’s ongoing green transition. By supporting this, Boden is preparing to embrace the opportunities of the future.”

Watch the video from this year’s Valkyrie Jam:

Want to know more about Valkyrie Jam? Read more here!


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