fbpixel lay out land and premises - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

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Set up land and premises

Objektvision.se is a comprehensive and independent marketplace for companies seeking and offering vacant premises, commercial properties and land. Through our collaboration, you as an entrepreneur can advertise free of charge. Your objects will be shown both on objektvision.se and on our website.

Here’s what you do:

1. Create an account
In order to post an ad on Objektvision, you first need to create an account. Boden is one of Objektvision’s partner municipalities and you can therefore advertise free of charge.

Clicking on the link below will take you to the homepage where the municipality advertising package is selected. Then click on the red “CONTINUE” button to start filling in your company details.

Click here to create an account!

2. place an ad
Once you have registered your account, click on “Place ad”. Then follow all the steps. In order to attract more interest, it is important to use good pictures and descriptive texts.

3. Sure!
Once your ad is posted, it will appear on both objektvision.se and on bodenbusinesspark.com.


Jörgen Nordqvist

Business Developer

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Näringslivsutvecklare etableringar

Jörgen Nordqvist


070-650 80 19

Näringslivsutvecklare etableringar

Jörgen Nordqvist

Hjälper företag att etablera verksamhet samt växa smart och hållbart i Boden.

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Business Developer Establishments

Jörgen Nordqvist


070-650 80 19


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