2024-11-5 , 15.30 – 17.00
Start a business in Norrbotten – Digital meet and greet for people with an international background – held in English.
In this group session you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and challenges about starting a business in Norrbotten, meet other people that are also thinking of (or already have) started a business in Norrbotten, as well as ask questions to our business advisor.
To set up and run a business in a new country can be challenging (to say the least)! There is a lot to learn and think about while developing your business idea and gaining understanding about how the entrepreneurial system works, your obligations under it as well as the opportunities it provides.
Free: The event is free of charge, but registration is required.
Can’t make it? Don’t forget to cancel.
Sign up here: https://simplesignup.se/private_event/213248/5fad68abb5
Where? Digital webinar on Microsoft Teams
When? Tuesday, November 5, from 15:30 to 17:00.