fbpixel Arctic Game Presents: Boden Game Changer - Boden Business Park

Boden Business Park

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Arctic Game Presents: Boden Game Changer

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2024-4-11 , 09.00 2024-4-12 , 12.00

Arctic Game presents Boden Game Changer and we are thrilled to invite you! We promise an exciting conference taking place on April 11th-12th, 2024, at Boden Business Park.

Over the course of these two days, you will have the opportunity to engage with industry expert keynotes on the main stage, as well as participate in more intimate discussions during breakout sessions where we delve into four different tracks.

Date: April 11th-12th, 2024
Location: Verkstan, Boden Business Park
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Thursday), 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Friday)

There will be a bus from Umeå, with stops in Skellefteå and Jörn.

Contact information:
Do you have any questions or need further information?
Please don’t hesitate to contact Hanna Müller at hanna.m@bodenbusinesspark.se.

Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for further updates and information about tickets coming soon!

More info: bodengamechanger.com.

Teknikvägen 15
Boden, 96150
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